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제목 South Gyeongsang Province coach Kim Jong-bu said, "The players ne…
작성자 fhhdf
작성일 18-10-07 19:04 조회 8,102

South Gyeongsang Province coach Kim Jong-bu expressed regret over the players' mental part. South Gyeongsang Province lost 0-1 at home against Jeju Island in the first round of the K-League 1 2018 at Changwon Football Center on Wednesday. The close race continued until the second half of the game, and eventually gave the winning goal to Jeju Island's Lee Dong-soo and collapsed.

Right after the game, we had a tough fight today. Though the skunk was pulled out, he could not revive the chances of scoring due to a lack of urgency and movement among strikers. "At this point, we need to be more mental than technical."

South Gyeongsang Province has not won in three recent matches. It is regrettable that he is having a hard time building a winning point 안전한놀이터 in the match against teams from the lower middle class such as Daegu, Incheon and Jeju. Kim believes that the players' motivation for their recent victory is not the same as before. When it comes to teams competing for sixth place ahead of split-round or teams working hard to escape the demotion, South Gyeongsang players are regretting a lack of spiritual superiority. "Gyeongnam has made better results by focusing more spiritually on his opponent than on his personal ability and preparing ahead of his opponent," Kim said. "I am preparing to give various motivations to the players."

In South Gyeongsang Province, the key is to get the ball back. Maluk was recently excluded from the match against Jeju due to a hamstring injury. "The skunk has to check his condition again next week," Kim said. We will try to play the remaining five games."