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제목 Clinical Association, "I'll show you the second round of ACL, the…
작성자 dfdf
작성일 18-10-07 18:40 조회 8,744

After Suwon Samsung's striker clinician Association won a valuable league victory, the team delivered the second round of the AFC Champions League (ACL) match to be held at Suwon World Cup Stadium at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

At 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, a match between the senior vice president and Suwon Samsung was held at KEB Hana Bank's K-League1 (Classic) 2018 round. Sangju led the game with Kwon Wan-kyu's goal in the 19th minute, but Suwon came from behind to win 2-1 with Dejan in the 8th minute and Sarich in the 33rd minute in the second half.

On the same day, the association played full-time as a side striker, adding to the team's valuable victory. He played the ACL, which was held on a week-long trip to Japan, and was tired of the results, but the association continued to fly. 

"It's true that I've been to ACL and have been in a difficult state," the association said in a mixed John interview after the match ended. But I think I was able to win because my team was mentally well armed."

Especially for the Korea Clinic Association, the loss of the ACL had to be more painful. There was a big incident in which he was hit by a nerve contest with opposing goalkeeper Kwon Soon-tae. As the Korean and Japanese media dealt with this greatly, fans were increasingly interested in the second round of the association and the ACL. 

However, 토토놀이터 the association was still calm and determined, waiting for a reunion with Kashima. "We did everything we could in the first round of the ACL," the association said. I think I lost because of external circumstances. "I'm ready to win at home," he said about the clash between the two big players after confidently giving up his candidacy. The association said, "It happened in the playground. I think soccer players should be shown in the playground, not in words. Fans also know that they have high expectations for the upcoming second round. "I will show it to you at home (instead of saying what I say) with my special resolution."

Despite the strong resolve of the clinical agreement, which has been eyeing for two consecutive games, the fever of the second round of the ACL is already heating up.