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제목 "Why did Fogba save Murray?"
작성자 dhdh
작성일 18-10-07 19:56 조회 8,948

What happened to Paul Fogba? Having been at odds with the top manager, he saved Manchester United from the brink of defeat with a completely different game. Local media in the U.K. also seem surprised by Fogba's performance.

Manchester United scored three goals in the eighth round of the English Premier League in the 2018-19 season against Newcastle at Old Trafford, Manchester on Sunday, but came from behind to post two goals in the second half.

Antony Marshall and Alexis Sanchez saved United by breaking a long goal silence, but the most noticeable player was Fogba. Fogba, which had been embroiled in a controversy over the practice of Taekwon V, enjoyed a full range of midfielders in the match against Newcastle. 

Sky Sports of the U.K. 바카라사이트 reported that he poured everything out for Mourinho, lighting up Pogba's performance.

In fact, Pogba ran 11.5 kilometers on the day. He recorded the most number of ball touches (111 times), passes (78 times), shooting (6 times), airball competitions (15 times), and runs (14 times). He also stole the opposing ball 10 times. She is second behind Nemanya Matiz (11 times). Pogba, which was walking around the stadium, disappeared.

Fogda, a totally different first and second half. The number of passes increased from 36 in the 45th minute in the first half to 51 in the second half. Fogba, who turned from an offensive midfielder to a back player, dominated the game. All the balls started at the end of his feet, and Newcastle couldn't control the pogba.

Fogba was cited as the main culprit behind Manchester United's slump this season. After a feud with manager Muruhn, the team was found through the agent. British media also reported that Fogba is no longer playing for Murray.

However, Pogba threw everything to win the day. I don't know if it was just for Murray or for the team's victory, but it was clear that Fogba, who was criticized by Man U. Legend Roy Keane for "unprofessional behavior," was entirely spurious.

Mourinho said after the game, praised the players. "Today's victory is not the result of tactics, but of the athletes' mental energy, strong desire and dedication," he said. "There is nothing more to pour out," he said.